Irrefutable Proof: Michelle Obama’s a Tranny


September 2023 ~ Interview with Obama’s Lover added. Minor edits (incl. Tweet deletions) performed 18-Feb-24.

Table of Contents (ToC)

  1. Heavy Youtube Censorship Of Michelle (Michael) Videos
  2. Michelle Vids Now Being Deleted From Bitchute
  3. Chicago Origins Of The “Obama” Brand
  4. The Obama’s Make-Believe Daughters
    1. Quick Footnote on Cutie-Girl Malia
  5. Barack Obama – The Sodomizing President
    1. Tucker Carlson Interviews Obama’s Most Vocal Lover [NEW!]
    2. What Else Can You Expect After “High Office” Is Handed To A Charlatan / Cameo-Actor?
    3. Update yourself (about Michelle Obama … oops, I mean Michael LaVaughn Robinson) by visiting this follow-on post.
10 minutes

Heavy Youtube Censorship Of Michelle (Michael) Videos

Below is simple evidence of the deletion of a Y/T Video I had used to restore this Blog Post back on 06 April 2020. I simply cannot monitor this website 24×7, but I estimate that video was DELETED during the second week of October 2020.

In other words, JewTube has yet again censored (i.e., deleted) another video exposing Michael’s transsexual reality. I shall leave the greyed (deleted) image shown above, in place, in order to emphasize YouTube’s 6 year long, obsessive addiction to censorious activities.

This screenshot of Henry Makow’s Tweet offers a quick sample of that missing (deleted) video’s contents.

Surgical procedures are routinely used to hide the most obvious male features. In Michael’s case, his partner wanted him to keep his penis. Other tell-tale physical signs cannot be surgically altered; for example: finger length and belly-button location.

This has been a tiresome little game conducted by a pseudo-race of people who clearly have serious mental issues, and therefore don’t belong in any civilized society. Perhaps a psychiatric ward in the far reaches of Siberia might suit them better? Just as they themselves once condemned so many White Russians to during the merciless Bolshevik purges!


Michelle Vids Now Being Deleted From Bitchute

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Here’s the placeholder (below) for a video I had very recently linked-to from Bitchute. The provider channel “Hail Victory” now appears to have been deleted just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election! A “Michelle video” published by that channel was originally added to this Blog Post on 26 October 2020.

This means that since May 2014, YouTube, Vimeo, and now Bitchute have been constantly monitored by some “unknown” organization with the funds and personnel to conduct such a dogmatic yet infantile/neurotic censorious operation.

‘Michelle’ Obama is a sex-change male, and this Blogger believes the total (genetic) evidence — just remember to trust your own eyes! — essentially proves the claim (as far as it can be proven without DNA samples).

This pic added 19-April-2023. It had been Tweeted by Obama’s half-brother, Malik; who is clearly hostile to the ~18 year long … “Obama Deception”.

And to add more substantive evidence I will now — 3rd November 2020 — embed three (x3) “new” videos linked (again) from Bitchute. Let’s see how long these survive the ongoing purges!


Chicago Origins Of The “Obama” Brand

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The Obama’s two daughters (who carry no genetic resemblance to either of their alleged parents) were adopted in return for an undisclosed financial reward. Research on this adoption arrangement remains (as of this date) a “work-in-progress”. But according to my extensive research, that arrangement (or inducement) very likely involves the billionaire Pritzker family, who are part of Chicago’s “Jewish Mafia”.

Michael (as he was) … AND … then transformed into Michelle (as he now is) on the Right. | That geek shown walking with Michael is the crypto-Jew “Bill” Gates (who has since outed as a Gay: “Melinda Mark-2” is a transsexual).

In case you don’t yet identify the family name “Pritzker”, then allow me to tell you it is they who established (and still own) the famous Hyatt hotels group. And one prominent Pritzker family member is known to be an ardent supporter of transsexualism, and the entire LGBTQ agenda.

President Obama appointed Penny Pritzker to be his US Secretary of Commerce, starting June 26, 2013.

The Obama’s Make-Believe Daughters

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Sasha and Malia’s real parents are shown in the left column. Can you see their physical resemblance?

Both Sasha and Malia must have been introduced to Barack and Michael (ooops, “Michelle”) when they were still infants.

Which means both Sasha and Malia were in fact introduced to Barack and Michael (ooops, “Michelle”) when they were still infants. This fact (made obvious by clear evidence, and by logical deduction) cements the idea that the phenomenon known as “Obama” was a conspiracy (developed in Chicago) that dates back to a time many years before he [a nobody, with zero political history] was somehow nominated as the Democrat contender for the US Presidential race.

And they’ve likely clearly been coached since (by politically linked experts) to behave in accordance with the ongoing deception’s script. But as these two physically attractive girls grow into full adulthood and carve out a life of their own, that childhood brainwashing will likely start to unravel.

So what will happen to their psychology when one or both finally comprehends the corrupt and calculated deceit they were once an integral part of?

Malia Obama sexually attractive
Malia is growing into a hottie! Check out photos online that show her gorgeous long legs and smooth posterior.

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Quick Footnote on Cutie-Girl Malia

As predicted, this girl has developed into a “hottie”. She’s got legs as long and as slender as a giraffe’s, a very pretty face, a near perfect ass, and a proven hunger for White men. In recent years Malia has been dating a moneyed (White) “upper-class” Englishman. And according to certain online images I have seen, the feminine Malia continues to look physically stunning when wearing mini-skirts.

We still have no understanding of the psychological stress imposed on both Malia and Sasha. It’s just that their true biological parents are NOT (and could never be) “Homo-Barack and Tranny-Michelle”!


Barack Obama – The Sodomizing President

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It has long been asserted that POTUS Barack Obama (or whatever his real name is) is a practising homosexual, with a known membership of “Man’s Country” … an infamous, “up-market” Gay Club in Chicago.

Here is a direct link to the Man’s Country website, which is (oddly) still accessible on the Internet as of this update; I say “odd” because it apprently ceased operations at the end of 2017. Please open that linked page with care as some of the imagery is explicit and thus NOT suited for any male under 18 years of age!

For those who are a little shy about visiting what amounts to a Gay Website, here is a screenshot of what you will see if you ever decide to click on the link I’ve supplied. Posting this image will also insure us against any future deletion of that “Man’s Country” website.

According to reports circulating in 2009 and 2010, Barack Obama had been a bona fide member of this once exclusive Gay Bathhouse in Chicago.

Soon after Obama entered the White House on January 20, 2009 he was publicly challenged by an ex-Gay partner of his, named Larry Sinclair. Throughout 2009 and well into 2010 the Alternative Media was filled with stories describing Larry Sinclair’s passionately homosexual trysts with America’s new President. These ‘activities’ were performed while Obama was still a relative “nobody” in Chicago, being coached by Penny Pritzker.

Here is one such “sensational” post (quite typical for that time) dated 26 November 2009, which was published on Jeff Rense’s popular alt-news website (it’s an archived copy).

Naturally, both the book and Larry Sinclair were heavily censored and ridiculed. And to be sure, the notorious Chicago Bathhouse known as “Man’s Country” featured prominently in many of these candid disclosures.

Can you recognize this character, dressed in the type of rope “vest” favoured by young male homosexuals who prefer to engage in “rough” anal intercourse.

The Chicago Tribune’s Bill Daley reported on the imminent closure of “Man’s Country” on Dec 30, 2017:

Man’s Country, the gay bathhouse in Uptown, is closing, capping 44 years of business with a 13-hour party that will begin New Year’s Eve and extend into the morning after.

This private club has been open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 364 days a year, closing only on Christmas Eve, according to owner Ron Ehemann. It has served as a backdrop to some of the enormous achievements and challenges faced by Chicago’s LGBTQ community over the decades.

The property on which Man’s Country sits at 5015 N. Clark St. is being sold. Ehemann said much of the complex will be demolished to make way for condominiums in a new building to be called The Renslow, a reference to Chuck Renslow, the LGBTQ businessman and gay rights pioneer who started the bathhouse in a former fraternal lodge

There is no more question or genuine controversy remaining over the fact Barack Obama was once a “regular” and full-blown member of that sordid and perverted den of iniquity.

You can read Bill Daley’s full (LGBTQ friendly) article by clicking here. | As you might expect, you will find absolutely no reference to Obama anywhere in his lengthy Chicago Tribune piece!

Loquendo believes that to better comprehend the United States of America, one has to first realize and accept that prior to the AIDS era, every major US city hosted a major homosexual bathhouse. On any typical Saturday night, all the most popular and well-run establishments could and very often would host anywhere between 500 and 2,000 males … all of whom seeking to engage in fellatio with anonymous males, or to engage in full sodomy either in pairs or in small groups or interchangeable pairs. Quite simply, this means that some males would end up copulating (anally) with over 1,000 partners in the space of 10 years or less.

What is significant to the ordinary (heterosexual) man and women is that up-market bathhouses like Man’s Country would typically host political figures, senior business men, and even famous musicians, dancers, or actors.

Since those years when America obediently dedicated itself to destroying Europe’s most august, civilized, inventive, and thus accomplished society (Germany) — and certainly since the 1970s — the United States of America has been the premier destination for all male homosexuals.

One reason for this dubious achievement is that it became quickly equipped with enough capacity to satisfy every Gay fantasy … including those you and I would find both unbelievable and disgusting.

This Jew-promoted LGBTQ poison is exactly what has “lubricated” — if you will excuse the deliberate pun — the rapid financial, technical, and political decline of the entire American project since the early 1990s.

NOTE: WordPress no longer supports out-links to Tweets posted on the ‘X’ (Twitter) platform due to ‘X’ changing its Terms & Conditions during 2023. This Blogpost once linked out to 2 x Tweets, which I have since had to delete simply because the links had already been blanked.

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Obama’s Most Vocal Lover [NEW!]

NEW! … NEW! … NEW! … NEW! … NEW!

Use the URL to the VK platform shown below … and hope it will play normally, in your browser. Don’t worry, the link is safe:


  • Hold down CTRL key then Left-Click with mouse
  • Right-Click mouse over URL, then select “Open in New Tab” from menu

This particular Tucker Carlson interview can be viewed (in full) on Twitter (now called ‘X’).


What Else Can You Expect After “High Office” Is Handed To A Charlatan / Cameo-Actor?

Putin vs Obama montage_01

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Welcome to the bizarre world of The Matrix! If true, then this simple charade demonstrates how easily many millions of people, dispersed over seven continents, can be duped by those “puppet masters” who currently preside over all so-called ‘Western’ nations. If you can comprehend how a nation of more than 320-million persons could have tolerated an artificially created, Mass Media inflated, homosexual “Empty Suit” half-black Muslim as their President … for a full 8 years! … then you will probably have an easier time surviving the 2020 “Corona Virus Plandemic.


READ APRIL 2023 BLOG REVEALING OBAMA’s “Behind The Curtain” Third Term

Update yourself (about Michelle Obama … oops, I mean Michael LaVaughn Robinson) by visiting this follow-on post.


Promotion of the Transgender | Transsexual Movement in North America

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  1. How did you put this many pieces together but drool over Malia that’s clearly a teenage boy you silly homo

    • QUOTE: “… but drool over Malia that’s clearly a teenage boy you silly homo”

      You claim amazing powers of perception for yourself, young Budd. What evidence can you offer us to support your “clearly a teenage boy” claim? Nobody else in “big Blog world” has gone that far with spammy speculation. The last time I checked, Malia was in a serious relationship with a White English male (who has plenty of money). And Malia STILL exhibits a lovely female ass with long slender legs. I’d happily bang her right through a long weekend, non-stop.

      As for your other “magic guess” … I am not an American. Apparently most homos are American (or Australians from Sydney / Melbourne). So it’s statistically doubtful I could be what you assert I am.

  2. Well Michelle MIGHT be the parent he might have been the sperm donor? Or maybe both Barack & Michael donated sperm and they had to fight over which one was gonna impregnate that egg that definitely wasn’t theirs. You didn’t consider that likelihood to be fair.

    • That’s surely right; I did not consider ‘that’ … mostly because I would never expect an unlikely concoction to resolve into a “likelihood”. Meanwhile, and “to be fair”, it seems like you failed to view and comprehend the photo montage (placed lower down in the article) that introduces the likely (true) parents of both girls. You may not know this, but the more astute among us have been aware of their identity for quite some time. While I can appreciate your creativity and wacky imagination, it looks like you are trying too hard to “paint a pig with lipstick” before naming the end result “another Mona Lisa”. In contrast, the truth has a habit of being surprisingly simple. Indeed, the same basic laws are bound to apply to all conspiracies that have been constructed with inflated deception.

      • Hilarious! Your ego couldn’t just admit it’s a possibility they were sperm donors… It wouldn’t have been hard. Well maybe it was just before ejaculation into a cup. Maybe your pics are the real parents however yours is just a theory as plausible as mine. One might be the surrogate mother or egg donor. The man? Whats your evidence? Do you have a DNA match? Really F U and the high horse you came in on. You are a total wanker to make out “but the more astute among us have been aware of their identity for quite some time”.

    • As we might expect, there’s been a lot of speculation out there … some of it genuine, and some of it troll-planted disinformation. Prior to the White House hosting the beautiful and composed Melania Trump the world witnessed a long parade of ugly First Ladies, with several of those exhibiting pronounced “manly” features. Examples of suspiciously transsexual “wives” attached to senior politicians also exist. For an eye-stressing example consider Senator Chuck Schumer’s wife. The Brooklyn-born Jewess Iris Weinshall is also the COO of The New York Public Library.

      Taking this one step further, there does appear to be at least two legitimate candidates for genuine transsexual suspicion. Eleanor Roosevelt is arguably the most recent, while Lou Henry Hoover (1929 to 1933) even boasts a male name for additional effect! If you spend time researching 10 to 20 photographs (each) of those two consecutive First “ladies” then you will surely see what I mean.

      [Comment edited/updated 02-Apr-20]

  3. The sad and treasonous thing is the US Congress has known since 2009 barack hussein obama was a fraud and choose to ignore US Constitutional law January 2009 and again January 2013 allowing the fraud and usurper barack hussein obama to ILLEGALLY take the oath of office twice ! A sick joke played on the American electorate not once but twice !

  4. The slideshow and comments about the young Obama’s is not needed and inappropriate. Not a fan of the Soros puppet Obama, but the pictures and comments on his daughter’s appearance have crossed the “creepy” threshold.

    • I disagree. As I think would most others. The inclusion of information (including images already in the public domain) of both Sasha and Malia in this blog-site are perfectly legitimate, appropriate, and required.

      Furthermore, I personally find Malia physically attractive. She’s got lots of sex appeal. She reminds me of an Ethiopian girlfriend I once had while living in the UAE. So any photos of her (at the magical age she is currently at) should hopefully serve as pleasant distraction for other readers to admire … in addition to offering angles of thought directly related to Barack and Michael’s true relationship.

      I don’t accept for one minute that you truly believe their inclusion here has crossed the “creepy” threshold. It is quite possible you are simply using that as an excuse to “gas-light” other readers.

      Most normal people would conclude it is far creepier to have an Indonesian posing as an American Citizen in order to get elected as a US President. And many times “creepier” to have a transsexual (Michael) occupying the position of “First Lady” in the White House for 8 years.

      Both Sasha and Malia are part of the larger Obama Deception, and are therefore an integral part of any proper investigation into his true background (vis-a-vis his nationality, education, AND history as a known homosexual) … and obviously they will both automatically become an integral part of any medical investigation into Michelle/Michael’s true genetic (gender) identity.

      While I understand where you are coming from … nonetheless … the short comment of yours (M.W.) I am replying to here provides a good example of the type of mess society falls into when the “new cultural normal” is built upon Moral Relativity.

      We can’t pick and choose, according to our own biased whim, what is “creepy” or not, while ignoring those far “creepier” arrangements that (and individuals who) are standing right next to what we wish others to focus their attention upon.

      Without the recognition and acceptance of universal moral standards, public discourse will always trend towards the petty and irrelevant.

      Otherwise I appreciate your viewpoints, and thank you for taking time to post your Comment here at Loquendo Laxe. I trust you will eventually receive your requested response from the Commenter you’ve named in your other post, which I have just approved.

      And don’t worry. The existing comment dialogue (the entire thread) will be left on-line for as long as necessary.

    • if you think thats “creepy “, both of the so called obama daughter are no relation to the two gay men sitting in the White House for eight long years calling themselves a legal US President and First Lady . Not all US Citizens were taken in by these two FRAUD !

    • Dingbats? Birther “crap”? My, my, we are getting very emotional aren’t we!

      Without trying to emulate a noisy schoolboy, are YOU able to offer any hard evidence Obama was indeed born on American soil?

      Do you realize that Obama has already been shown to be a total fraud (and a rabid homosexual) multiple times over?

      But you won’t accept that hard evidence. Your weak brain does not have the ability or horsepower to process evidence properly.

      So why would anyone take your feelings seriously if you automatically think everyone who thinks contrary to you is a “dingbat” … whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

      Maybe your biggest problem is that you are not only misinformed about the realities of complex geopolitical game-playing … but that you are also very immature?

      The only people who still think that Obama creature was a genuine and appropriate candidate for the White House are trusting idiots, hardcore Communists, Chicago ‘Jews’, or those paid to troll stupid comments on Blog Forums, etc. using false names.

      Obama’s Birth Certificate and his Columbia University history are both frauds. They are as fake as his Chick-with-a-dick Male Partner called “Michelle”.

      Realities that go a long way to explain why all his official documentation had to be sealed and locked away, or destroyed. There’s still a chance Obama will be arrested and charged with treason … or worse.


    • Can you propose a legitimate reason for the sealing and secrecy regarding Obama’s birth certificate, college years and financial issues in regards to who paid for his education? The records and files related to his associate professorship are also “unavailable”. If these records are that inflammatory, I see all the more reason to open them up to the public, especially since he has finished his term in the White House. Do you agree. Please keep the comments and discussion related to former President Obama and the points mentioned.

  5. You should remove the ending comments by your husband….. I ended up quitting about 45 seconds into his dialog…

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