Banking And Economics 101 (5 x Videos)

(1) 5 things an elite banking Dutch Whistleblower tells us (April 22, 2017)


(2) USA Watchdog: Clif High – Crypto Currencies Break Loose, then Gold & Silver (June 3, 2017)


(3) European Parliament Tutored On The Criminal Scam Of Central Banking

European Parliament, Strasbourg | 21 May 2013 | Godfrey Bloom: UKIP MEP (2004-13) and then Independent MEP (2013-14)

Godfrey Bloom (Wikipedia)


(4) Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau Confronted On Selling Off Canada’s Gold

In this video, Josh Sigurdson confronts Bill Morneau, the Finance Minister of Canada about Canada selling off almost all of its gold reserves. Then John Sneisen gives his thoughts on Morneau’s responses versus what the facts really are.

The absurdity of gold and silver denial is exactly what will eventually dig our financial graves alongside fiat paper money and central planning as countless eastern countries are buying up gold as an excellent way of insurance. After 1000 years of paper money, it’s time we finally learn that paper money is and always will be worthless in the long term and people will always suffer because of it!


(5) Monologue By Catherine Austin Fitts: The Looting Of America

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush Catherine Austin Fitts blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred (shifted) gargantuan amounts of wealth offshore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class. Ms. Fitts documents how trillions of dollars went missing from government coffers during the 90’s and how she was personally targeted for exposing part of the greater fraud.

Catherine covers a huge amount of territory and recent history, so you will need to concentrate and pay close attention. Perhaps listening through twice would be the most reliable way to receive and digest her entire thesis. In several respects this video shows Ms. Fitts presenting one of the most cogent and profound disclosures in living memory. Some of you will be shocked to the core, which on reflection might be the healthiest outcome. Retaliatory action is optional … at your discretion. πŸ™‚

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